Il vetro viene finemente decorato a seconda del gusto del cliente a seconda delle scelte pattuite.
La realizzazzione dell'opera è afidata esclusivamente all'artista Vincenzo Greco che con la sua ventennale esperinza esprime al meglio le esigenze della clientela riuscendo a conferire all'opus una sacralità unica . questa bellissima vetrata artistica sacra e stata realizzata per una chiesa della madonna delle grazie ed é stata donata da una famiglia (Corpetti) devota a Padre Pio da Pietralcina .
La famiglia Corpetti dopo aver visitato il santuario e la cripta di San Pio con gli stupendi mosaici in oro , ha deciso di destinare parte dei suoi soldi nella realizzazione di una opera musiva e nella donazione di una vetrata d'arte sacra raffigurante la Madonna addolorata . rosone centrale inpreziosice la navata centrale della chiesa con i suoi colori iridescenti brillanti e coinvolgenti creano una atmosfera celestale, religiosa e liturgica,
Holy Mather made with the technique of fusing or fusing using fine glass, Murano Venetian compatible with each other that create feelings supernatural and divine with beautiful color effects.The glass is finely decorated according to taste depending on the choices the customer agreed.
The aphids realizzazzione work is exclusively artist Vincenzo Greco artist who with his twenty esperience expresses the needs of customers being able to confer a sacred opus only. this beautiful and sacred art glass was made for a church of Our Lady of Grace and has been donated by a family (waistcoats) devoted to Padre Pio of Pietrelcina.Vests The family after visiting the sanctuary and crypt of St. Pius with the beautiful mosaics in gold, has decided to allocate part of his money in the creation of a mosaic work and the donation of a stained glass window religious art depicting the Virgin of Sorrows. the central rosette inpreziosice nave of the church with its brilliant iridescent colors and create an engaging atmosphere celestale, religious and liturgical. aphids realizzazzione work is exclusively artist Vincenzo Greco artist who with his twenty esperience expresses the needs of customers being able to confer a sacred opus only. this beautiful and sacred art glass was made for a church of Our Lady of Grace and has been donated by a family (waistcoats) devoted to Padre Pio of Pietrelcina.Vests The family after visiting the sanctuary and crypt of St. Pius with the beautiful mosaics in gold, has decided to allocate part of his money in the creation of a mosaic work and the donation of a stained glass window religious art depicting the Virgin of Sorrows. the central rosette inpreziosice nave of the church with its brilliant iridescent colors and create an engaging atmosphere celestale, religious and liturgical.
Per Contatti vetrate artistiche in sicilia e mosaici sacri telefonare a Vincenzo Greco 0922 855797 0ppure al 347 7o 43345 mail:
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